Python Programming

Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-11:30.

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IT Essentials

Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-11:30.

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Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-14:00.

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Network Security

Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-11:30.

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CCNP Enterprise

Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-11:30.

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Training starts on December 27th. Schedule Every Sunday | 9:00-11:30.

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CourseTimeDaysStart Date
Python Programming17:30 - 19:30Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022
IT Essentials13:00 - 15:30Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022
CCNA9:00 - 14:00Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022
Network Security17:30 - 20:30Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022
CCNP Enterprise17:30 - 20:30Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022
CyberOps17:30 - 19:30Every Sunday27/ December/ 2022


Lediano Dosku

"Once someone said "Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you." Well let me tell you a place where you can find motivated and passionate people who will encourage you to push yourself on achieving your goals: IER-Academy. Technology is a never-ending opportunity and all it takes is the right guide to the right path to build a better future for you. It worked for me and I can tell for sure it will always work for everyone out there who really wants it! DREAM IT! BELIEVE IT! IER-Academy WILL HELP YOU BUILT IT!"

Sar Alstafa

"Eksperienca ime ne IER-Academy vazhdon te jete shume e frytshme per mua. Jam studente ne vitin e dyte bachelor, por fale trajnimeve profesionale te ofruara ne akademi kam arritur te punesohem si IT Helpdesk ne kompanine VODAFONE. Eshte eksperienca ime e pare e punes ne profesion, por besoj jam ne hapat e duhur per te realizuar limitet e karrieres. Trajnimet ne akademi nisen si trajnimet e rradhes por shpejt kuptova qe eshte investimi me i vlefshem qe po bej. Do ua sugjeroja gjithkujt qe ka deshiren qe ne pune te diferencoje nga te tjeret, pasi ne IER-Academy hidhen hapat e pare drejt suksesit."

Era Saraçi

"IER-Academy has seriously been a lifesaver to me. Before being part of it I was lost in the giant world of technology and had no idea what I really wanted to do with my future, but since than I know exactly where I want to be.  I've "taken" a variety of courses through IERAcademy, ranging from IT Essentials and CCNA, but there are many other courses to choose from and they are all very detailed for maximum learning. The Instructors are very qualified and genuinely concerned with the outcome of the learning process. Not only this but also the conditions in which we take the courses are very comfortable. I have just graduated in electronic engineering and am currently applying to several different jobs, mainly those which have CCNA knowledge as a criterion. I would highly recommend  IER-Academy to everyone who loves technology as much as I do."

Olsjan Malaj

"IER-Academy! Para se te vendosja se ku do kryeja trajnimin e CCNA, isha shume skeptik per menyren e komunikimit, sjelljes dhe menyra se si do te kryhej trajnimi . Por me kalimin e kohes kuptova qe ishte nje vend shume miqesor ku dhe kerkesa e llogaris nuk mungonte. Objektivi kryesor qe kishin ishte qe une te merrja maksimumin nga ky trajnim dhe keshtu ndodhi. Une tashme punoj si Network Engineer te BNT Electronics dhe Trajnimi te IERA me ka ndihmuar te fitoj kete vend pune  dhe mbi te gjitha te jem i afte."

Sara Lenja

“And whatever you decide to do, when facing your fears, you need just one thing: "Courage". It is IER-Academy that gives you the courage to fight for a better future and at the same time it makes you feel more passionate about IT. It makes you feel like you are the greatest and there is nothing you can't achieve. It also gives you the inspiration to reach your goals and make your dreams come true.
Thanks to IERA, now I can see my future brighter and more promising than ever before.”

Enea Mollaj

"Thank you so much for the training session...I really enjoyed and learnt lots from it. It was the most interesting, productive and enjoyable course I've ever been to. Being so very honest to you. I personally feel that actually you are just great because the very manner in which you actually share your knowledge no one actually does these days. Can’t wait to start another training a great job done and I will look forward for attending more training sessions with you. - Service Desk Support Specialist"

Artjola Braka

"IER-Academy training culture is committed in professional development which means how not to be afraid of taking new challenges. This will help you moving forward in your career path. Learning resources and instructions, gaining new skills can transform your future in meaningful ways. I want to thank IER Academy team for making training session so productive. It was a great job done and I will look forward for attending more training sessions with you. - Service Desk Support Specialist"

Xhuljana Markaj

“Jedem ist es schon mal passiert, dass er was entdeckt hat was ihm das Leben verändert hat...Ich habe auch eine andere Welt kennengelernt...die Technologie Welt... Wollt ihr diese Welt auch kennenlernen? Dann kommt zur IER-Academy damit ihr diese Welt entdeckt. Schritt für Schritt werdet ihr euch in dieser wundervollen Welt wieder finden, in dieser Welt die die Zukunft der Menschheit bestimmt!”

Aiger Hila

“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember there is always a place where you will find success to build your future... IER-Academy”

Erind Tanko

"Personally, being part of IER-Academy has been an unforgettable experience, at IERA everyone can find qualitative learning and great company. It all started as a suggestion from a friend but resulted a breakthrough on my career. IERA is unique in its style, is not just a course center is a lot more than that, it’s the gate for opening the doors of the future. Thank you, IER-Academy."

Xhesjona Mamutaj

"Considering the area of information overload we are living nowadays, one might definitely retain equally relevant on terms of education: a self-taught online course and an on presence course led by a decent instructor. Believe me, the latter one will make a great difference... and the most difficult part in this process is choosing the right education center and if you succeed on this, you have already made a big step on your career.  In my case, trusting IER-Academy to continue investing on my networking competences by studying #ccna course, has been like a lucky charm in my career. Special appreciation goes to the instructor that with his professionally and confidence, not only prepares you with strong technical abilities as a future Network Engineer, but also has a great impact on motivating the students to keep confident on their way to success. I strongly suggest IER-Academy especially to new graduates that are willing to build the right path on the Networking career. I’m currently working as Team Leader of Service Desk for ICT Watchers, where I have been able to share my knowledge with my colleagues to help achieve our goals as a Team.

Thank you IERA!"

Frenk Idrizi

“In this course I am better acquainted with the computer world as well as programming.  No matter how difficult it is, I have had instructors who have always been by my side and have given me a golden opportunity. So, take your opportunity and cast the big step of your future”

Erinda Graca

"If I could just summarize my experience with one word it would be WOW! Training at IER-Academy has been an excellent experience for me. You will be challenged to learn in a way that supports your future in the industry, with patient and knowledgeable instructors to help along the way. I have been certified in IT Essentials and CCNA. The courses offered a good tradeoff between hands on simulation and reading material that took deep dives so as to understand the underlying technology. The learning environment is comfortable with modern facilities and very friendly. Overall, I would totally recommend IER-Academy to everyone who would love to have a bright future in the Technology World!"

Andi Loka

"IER-Academy is the greatest opportunity to get into this magic world called technology.
Its a place where everyone addicted about IT, programming or anything in technology is welcomed and gets the chance to improve their skills, test theirselves and reach their goals. Informatics is not just a passion for me, it shapes thoughts feelings and actions. It is part of my everyday life and a useful tool to. My previous courses had always been "just a course" but I feel that the role I hold now is more important than that , it has a purpose and gives me a lot of satisfaction. With IERA YOU will be ready to built your own future brighter in any time."

Samela Bajraktari

"Trajnimi i CCNA tek IER-Academy ka qenë një nga trajnimet e para të karrierës sime si edhe një nga trajnimet më të suksesshme, pasi aty u përgatita për të qenë një kandidate e denjë për tregun e punës. IERA-n e rekomandoj 100 % tek të gjithë miqtë e mi dhe studentët që më drejtohen për sugjerime dhe këshilla. Trajnimet profesionale janë shumë të rëndesishme për një karrierë të sukseshme dhe të zgjedhësh vendin e duhur dhe instruktorët e duhur për t'u trajnuar është po aq e rëndësishme, pasi është investim në vetvete. E vlerësoj shumë sidomos instruktor Adrianon, për përgatitjen, përkushtimin dhe mbështetjen që iu ofron të gjithë personave që trajnon. Mua më ka shërbyer shumë si eksperiencë dhe jam e bindur që do ju shërbejë shumë të gjithëve. Specialiste e Sigurisë Kibernetike - IBM"